Monday, 12 May 2014

NorPIP - Northamptonshire Parent Infant Partnership

Northamptonshire Parent Infant Partnership

Have you heard of NorPIP?  Andrea Leadsom MP launched the charity on May 18th 2012, adding to the existing OxPIP (Oxford) with plans to expand around the country. They are supporting families with children aged 0 – 2 years with psychotherapy.  Their aim is to help to parents and babies who are struggling to bond emotionally, and to help with problems such as emotional concerns during pregnancy, birth trauma, postnatal depression and other problems stemming from the parents’ past that are directly affecting their parenting.  In line with recent research NorPIP believe early intervention is more helpful to families, and improves the future lives of children.  

This is how NorPIP explain their philosophy in their business plan:

“Early attachment relationships act as a foundation for subsequent emotional, social and cognitive development in children. Difficulties in the bond between primary carer and baby can arise as a result of both individual and social difficulty, for example, where there is post-natal illness, parental mental health problems, drug or alcohol abuse, histories of trauma and neglect, conditions of socio-economic disadvantage, difficulties during the birth or as a result of a mother’s or father’s own damaging experiences in the past. These early relationships are key to the development of baby and family.........Providing skilled intensive intervention for primary carers and babies under the age of two strengthens the family at a critical point. The aim is to interrupt the repeating cycles where these problems are so often handed down to the next generation.”  (NORPIP Business Plan November 2012)

Therapy is available to adoptive parents as well as natural parents.  Parents’ own experiences may be explored to help unpick and challenge unhelpful parenting, and a greater understanding of the baby’s communications can lead to a more sensitive and empathic relationship with him/her.  These interventions have been found to improve children’s emotional health and well being, reduce problem behaviours and have resulted in enhanced thinking and behavioural development.  
Northamptonshire is the second fastest growing county in the country, it is esitimated to grow by as many as 100,000 more people in the next 10 years, taking the total population to nearly 800,000.  The annual number of births are likely to be over 10,000 by 2024.  This will put ever increasing stress on Local Government resources to be able to help families though difficult patches.  NorPIP aims to provide psychological support for families in areas that existing services are not able to.

“NorPIP works specifically with the relationship between carer and baby – uniquely, compared with other perinatal workers, this service is provided for mothers of all ages. Perinatal health workers are sometimes able to spot problems, but often do not have the resources to deal with the causes or consequences. The services offered by NorPIP are designed to fill this gap by supplementing the existing provision with a range of intensive psychotherapeutic interventions.”  These include pre and post birth counselling for parents, parent and baby sessions to help with bonding, group sessions and drop in times when parents can find out about NorPIP and the service they offer.

Working mainly from children’s centres NorPIP offers “a specialised set of therapeutic interventions for more vulnerable and complex families ........ working with parents and other carers of all ages whose issues present a barrier to successful parenting but would not meet the threshold for statutory services available to either adults or children. NorPIP does not require parents to have a diagnosable condition, be in crisis, or a lack of functioning. NorPIP acts as a service where families are significantly at risk but not yet in an emergency situation.”

“NorPIP will also work with parents where there are concerns that the attachment relationship may not be secure for example if there has been a particularly traumatic birth, post-natal depression, or where the parents' own past history makes them concerned about being a good parent. This also applies where the mother and child present attachment problems for example, if the baby is premature or the mother required extended post natal medical follow up treatment, or where there were unfortunate circumstances attached to the conception, for example rape, domestic violence, or a relationship breakdown.” 

NorPIP accept referrals from Social Workers, Health Workers, GPs and other agencies.  They also accept self referrals.  If you are concerned about how well you are bonding with your baby, or other issues around your relationship with your children, you can refer yourself directly to them on a form which can be found in the ‘Parents And Families’ section of their website and here is the link:

There is a charge for their support, but charges are made in line with what you can afford.

If you click on ‘Links’ you will find other agencies listed who NorPIP recommend for support with the mental health wellbeing of children and young people.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Happy New Year........ with a few months delay!

Hello to our NNS Families!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and all the other special occasions we have missed out on during our break over the festive season. But wouldn't you like to know what we have really been doing with our break? Well I can assure you that we have been working very hard! The main thing that has been taking up our time is the Family Fun Day. Its only two weeks away now and we can not believe how time has flown by.

So what do we have in store for you at our event:
  • Meet our counsellor 
  • Health Information Hub
  • Mental health stall run by Mind 
  • Local Sure Start groups
  • Craft Stalls selling items for babies and Mothers day
  • Holistic Therapy 
  • Beautician
  • Child entertainment and Fancy dress competition 
  • Demonstrations - Baby Massage and story telling, Toddles Yoga, Sing and Sign
  • Face and Bump Painting 
  • Live Music
  • Raffle - Lots of great prizes have been donated 
  • Photographer 
Food will also be available from The King William IV

We are so excited to have everyone involved and it is looking likes its going to be a lovely day. We do hope we will see you there having fun and supporting our families. 

If you have recently popped over to our page you will have seen that we have a new logo! Thank you to Jo of Absolutely Stationery for creating it for us. She is a new member of our team and I'm sure you will be learning more about her in our future blog when we introduce a few more members who have been working hard to support us. 

We wondered how we should show off our new logo and our new graphic designer? We teamed up with James Thorpe PhotographyJacqueline's Face Painting and our beautiful model Kelly Pettit to do our very own Bump shoot. 

Here are the beautiful ladies getting ready for our shoot, as you can see our new logo is looking beautiful on our stunning model.


Trying to make sure we didn't freeze our lovely pregnant model, James, the photographer, got to work shooting Jacqui's lovely work!

If you would like to see the final images from this shoot, keep checking back on our page

Also if you check our page you will see we have a Mothers day give-a-way, thanks to Northampton's bohemian finds for donating a £25 voucher. 

That is all from us for now, thank you for reading and we look forward to meeting you at our Family Fun Day!