Friday, 25 October 2013

Trying To Conceive

Please note any of the following information should not replace that of your medical practitioner. Please consult them if you have any questions about your health care.

So far our blogs have been looking at effects after having a traumatic birth or illness during pregnancy, but what about those of us who are having trouble getting pregnant in the first place. It maybe that you know for medical reasons you are going to struggle conceiving or that you’ve already started trying and its just not happening. 
They say that all most couples need to conceive is have a happy and healthy sex life. Most couples under 35 years will become pregnant after a year of unprotected sex. 

When is the best time to try?

“Every month, hormonal changes in a woman’s body cause an egg to be released from the ovaries. This egg travels into the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the uterus (womb). This is called ovulation.” (source:

You are most likely to conceive if you have sex one or two days before you ovulate, this usually happens 14 days after the first day of your last period. Your fertile window can last up to six days, this is the five days before your ovulation. The egg can survive from 12-24 hours after it is released, the sperm must fertilize it within this time. Sperm can last up to seven days inside the body. To give yourselves the best chance you could have sex every two to three days, this is regular enough to meet your fertile window without the stress of calculating your ovulation date. 

How do I know when I ovulate? 

A womans average menstrual can be between twenty-two days and thirty-five days. If your period is regular you can work out your ovulation date by halving your menstrual cycle. For example if you have a twenty-eight day cycle you would take away fourteen days from the first day of your next estimated period, if you then take four more days off. This will give you your six day fertile window. 

“What's a fertile window?
Did you know that a woman is only able to conceive on six days out of her entire cycle? Known as the fertile window, women can only get pregnant on the day of ovulation, or the five days immediately prior. Predicting your ovulation date and fertile window can be tricky, particularly if your cycle is irregular, but the body communicates certain patterns that can help clue you in on when you might be able to get pregnant.” (source:

Though some women maybe able to work out their fertile window it is still tricky to pinpoint an accurate ovulation date, especially if you have an irregular period, so what other ways are there to predict your ovulation? 

  • Physical Symptoms - Tracking your emotional and physical symptoms can help you recognize when you are ovulating.
  • Cervical Fluid - When a woman ovulates she may have an increase of cervical discharge, as well as becoming more stretchy and thin.
  • Basal Body Temperature (BBT)- you may not feel a difference, but by taking your body temperate every morning you will notice that it dips just before you ovulate and raises shortly after.
  • Ovulation Tests - For the most accurate results you can buy ovulation strips, a lot like pregnancy urine tests these track your hormone level and can tell you when your ovulation is fast approaching and when it has arrived.

Try Baby centers ovulation calculator here:

Good luck to any readers who are trying, if you have any other questions you would like to ask please email us:

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